Latest news IRMI

Media Literacy Training for CSOs assisting IDPs

Save the date: Regional Media Editorial Exchange Forum

Taking photographs, telling and changing. Participants of the NatGeo’s project showed Ukraine the photographs of life of IDPs.

TV journalists are welcome to apply for production sessions on IDP coverage

Master class for photographers working in conflicts

A Photo Exhibit Featuring the Fates of IDPs Launched in Kyiv

A Photo Exhibition in Kyiv: The Story of the Displaced Through the Eyes of Those Living It

Deborah Kelly, a British journalist and media trainer: “A TV journalist is there to think the story in pictures”

Training for Media in Lviv: summing up & impressions

IRMI trainer Svitlana Khitrova: “IRMI trainings help to realize that we have common problems”

IRMI expert Taras Boykovych: “Coverage of IDP topic should not be one sided”

In Kharkiv there is a production-training for journalists, who cover the IDP-related stories