Social Camp for SCOs: Advancing Communication Practices and Building Alliances

Thomson Foundation and International Institute of Regional Media and Information, supported by the EU, invite CSOs for concluding Regional Voices social camp on 4-5 September in Ivano–Frankivsk.

This camp will be a follow-up of a series of media literacy and advocacy workshops that took place through 2016. Participants from all regions are invited for networking with a view to unite efforts in their advocacy and outreach work. Application is also opened to members of Ukraine NGO Forum.

Regional Voices participants are welcomed to share results of the implementation of their communication strategies developed during the workshops. If you have an interesting case to present, please send your topic to Olena Sadovnik, project coordinator, at by Friday, 18 August, 2017.

The agenda of the forum will include, but not limited to:

  • Reflection on CSOs work – how to set up and achieve long-term goals.
  • NGO Forum presentation: coordination and information sharing.
  • Urban Space in Ivano–Frankivsk – how to unite local community with the idea of qualitative development of the city space.
  • Game World of Communities and IDPs integration.
  • Numerous workshops and ongoing networking, etc.

Nataliia Tserklevych, Forum NGO Ukraine project coordinator will lead one of master classes on the second day of the Forum

To register for the event, please fill in this e-form by Sunday, 20 August, 2017. In case of questions please contact Alexey Soldatenko, IRMI Programms Director at tel. 050 323 1430 or e-mail

About trainers: 

Mark Webster, Thomson Foundation media and CSOs trainer. Mark’s 30-year career in journalism, he worked for the Financial Times, the Evening Standard, ITN and Channel Five News. As a print and broadcast journalist he has covered conflicts in many places including: Uganda, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Kosovo, Chechnya and Northern Ireland. During that time he has lost a number of journalist friends and colleagues due to the fighting so can give some personal insight into the difficulties and dangers faced by reporters in war zones and the pressures they face to achieve balanced reporting.

Angelina Soldatenko, Institute of Regional media and Information. She will elaborate on media landscape in Ukraine and effective communications tools. Angelina is a journalist, media trainer and public communication expert with extensive experience. She develops Ukrainian and international training programs for media specialists and public information officers.

Nataliya Kuzma, Trainer and director of communications of Center for Civic Initiatives (, expert of the International Institute of Regional Press and Information, freelance journalist, photojournalist, public activist, specialist in public communication.

Taras Tymchuk, Thomson Foundation consultant, information technologies and human resources, community mobilization and development trainer since 2004. In 2008 – 2012 was head of volunteer centre Dobra Volya which professionally engages volunteers for the implementation of social initiatives. In 2007 – 2013 led the public information section at the Gurt NGO.

About the Project: 

Regional Voices: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media is a two-year EU funded initiative, implemented by the Media Consortium of five organizations led by the Thomson Foundation, Institute of Regional Media and Information (IRMI) is part of the consortium.

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