Institute for Regional Press and Information – international non-governmental organization created by experts in the field of media and public communication from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, the UK, the US and Ukraine. And though it was registered in 2003, in fact, I was born long before that. Almost 15 years of joint work site founders IRMI Kharkiv in Ukraine was the association “Journalist Initiative”, which in 1994 began its first projects in the mid-careers education for journalists and then still quite new for Ukraine profession – public relations. By the time the IRMI its founders and experts have gained experience in the development and implementation of training programs, internships and Facilitating in the projects supported by the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the European Journalism Centre, UNESCO and other organizations, have created original training modules. The aim was to supplement IRMI akademichskoe vocational education professionals practical training, a flexible system of professional development.

Today in the asset IRMI own PR-school, which come to study, sociologists, economists, and journalists. Its graduates have repeatedly won prizes at the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s PR-projects. International round table: on intercultural dialogue, ethical journalistic standards as the basis of a contract with the company carried out, in particular, with the participation of UNESCO and poderzhku. Experts organizations develop and provide training for journalists on the most important and difficult topics: “Professional standards”, “Working with the sources of information”, “Journalistic investigation”. Translated from the English language review of international practice of access to information. Prepared to publish a manual on public journalism, based on the experience of one of the most successful public radio KQED (California, USA), initiated educational programs abroad. Their participants studied the principles of public relations in the UK, the electoral system in the United States, visited the parliaments of different countries, met with experts in the field of information activities, political scientists, poltkonsultantami.

IRMI open for cooperation, new ideas, work aimed at the development of social dialogue in the country, increasing the responsibility and professionalism of those who should promote it.

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