A Call for a New Media Development Project

We are launching a new one-year project, which aims to improve access to information through the support of Ukrainian regional media. It will be implemented by IRMI in partnership with Fondation Hirondelle (Switzerland) and with financial support from Swiss Solidarity and is the next phase of our previous program which ran from April 2022 to October 2023.

The new project, like the previous one, provides for multi-level media support. Namely: trainings on how to work under martial law, ensuring the public interest is factored in, facoring in the peculiarities of information sources, professional norms and tools for the investigation of war crimes, mobile journalism, media management and other topics. It will be of particular interest to editors who address the topics of social cohesion, seek to study their own audiences and to improve communication with them.

Consultations on urgent issues, mentoring and ad-hoc support are also provided. Project participants will also receive assistance in preparing for international media certification (this component is implemented in partnership with the Journalism Trust Initiative and under the leadership of Reporters Without Borders). And also – mini-grants for institutional development.

Trainers, mentors and consultants of the project are foreign and Ukrainian media experts who have experience in the mentioned topics and problems.

18 Ukrainian mass media will be selected to participate in the project on a competitive basis. Priority is given to the regional media of the South, North and East of Ukraine, which need comprehensive support.

Eligibility criteria:

– regional, local and hyperlocal media officially registered in Ukraine (priority is given to media from the East, South and North of Ukraine);

– motivated towards development, interested in the topic and direction of the project;

– media that do not have other significant institutional grant support.

A completed form, which includes a motivation letter, should be sent at the link below. The deadline for submitting applications is November 13, 2023.

Successful applicants will be informed by November 22, 2023. Project updates are posted on our FB page just as new media support efforts during these difficult times.


New Phase, Consistent Priorities: Call for Applications

The Guardian – on Importnance of Supporting Regional Media in Ukraine

A Smartphone Instead of a Camera: How to Create Professional Videos

Study Trip to Denmark for Ukrainian Journalists

MOJO Lab and the Story Behind It

We have winners of the mini-grants competition