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A Smartphone Instead of a Camera: How to Create Professional Videos

How can MOJO techniques help us tell stories? Stories that concern society, particularly issues of social cohesion. So, a training session has started for media professionals who want to master mobile journalism skills and create great professional stories using just a smartphone.

We are spending three days in Lviv. The format of the MOJO training, as always, includes discussing new topics and practicing them during workshops. Representatives from regional and central media – newspaper journalists, TV reporters, and radio journalists – have joined the training. We are learning how to shoot and edit stories without using professional equipment – it turns out, it is entirely possible. At the beginning, we talked about shooting principles and framing basics, camera apps, and working with a video editor. We also covered communication ethics, critical thinking, and sensitive topics. We learned how to work properly with a tripod, lighting, and microphone. The training also included advanced shooting techniques, how to create a worthy story, and working with anonymous sources. We discussed stand-ups and leads, Vox Populi, using interviews, live sound, and video in stories. Additionally, we learned how to work with voice-over text, music, edit sound, overlay voice on video, create captions, and adhere to copyright laws.

Participants of the MOJO training tackled current topics, wrote scripts, prepared questions, and planned shots. Then, they logically moved on to producing stories, which included editing, transcribing interviews, recording voice-overs, adding captions, and everything else previously discussed.

The completed stories participated in a traditional run-through. Apart from voting the winners the participants also discussed the strengths, weaknesses and improvement opportunities of the produced content.

Zhanna Dutchak, Inter TV Channel:

– These three days just flew by. Why? In the first place, the information offered has been very interesting. There was a combination of theory and practice – the theory that the trainers offered we immediately put into practice. I really plan to use all of this in my workplace.

Tetiana Khmel, Suspilne.Zhytomyr:

– I am a TV journalist and theoretically understand how it works when you have a camera person next to you, and you tell them that this or that shot is not as it should be. But when you do the shooting yourself, it’s a completely differentstory. So, the shooting skills were probably the most important for me these days. Another point: there is a big problem with personnel, and finding a professional camera person who will shoot here and now is very difficult. And now I understand that I can “cover” some of the shooting myself – just take the in-house phone and go for it.

Iryna Telka, Mykolaiv News:

– I like that you chose a very relevant topic – mobile journalism, which is actually gaining momentum now. Editorial offices get the opportunity, for example, to monetize videos and strengthen their financial independence. This training was dynamic, offered us many technical aspects that I had not used before but found very interesting and plan to practice.

The training was held as part of the project “Covering Social Cohesion – Strengthening the Capacity of the Media in Ukraine”, developed and implemented by the Institute of Regional Media and Information in partnership with UNESCO and supported by the state of Japan. The program is part of UNESCO’s broader efforts to support the safety of journalists and freedom of expression in Ukraine. Our partners in the project are the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NSJU) and the public organization “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation”. UNESCO Ukraine

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