Announcing the First Training Under the Social Cohesion Project

We are excited to invite journalists to participate in the first training session of the ‘Social Cohesion: Roles and Opportunities for Ukrainian Media’ project.

* When? September 30 – October 2, 2024

* Where? Lviv

* Who is invited? Journalists from officially registered media who are interested in social cohesion in hromadas and eager to optimize their audience research.

What will you learn?

  • Investigate community issues using available sociological tools.
  • Identify what unites and divides communities.
  • Work with open data to combat disinformation.
  • Utilize various information sources.
  • Employ crowdsourcing to find socially important topics.
  • Cover sensitive topics while maintaining balance, professionalism, and ethical standards.

The Training Program Includes:

  • Presentations
  • Practical work
  • Opportunities to exchange ideas and experiences

All travel, accommodation, and meals will be covered by the organizers.

This training is part of the ‘Social Cohesion: Roles and Opportunities for Ukrainian Media’ project, which incorporates:

  • sociological research on Ukrainian journalists’ awareness of social cohesion, identifying knowledge gaps, and understanding active citizens’ views on the role of the media in addressing these issues
  • three training sessions for media professionals interested in social cohesion
  • fifteen mini-grants for the preparation of publications on social cohesion topics
  • mentoring support for grantees, and
  • a round table to present research findings and project results.

Interested? Register for the first training by September 21 using this link.

Selected participants will be notified in advance.

This project was developed and implemented by the Institute for Regional Media and Information and supported by UNESCO and the people of Japan. It is part of UNESCO’s broader efforts to promote the safety of journalists and freedom of expression in Ukraine.


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