Новини IRMI

New Phase, Consistent Priorities: Call for Applications

We are launching a new phase of the “Improving Media Resilience in Ukraine” project – to carry on with our commitment to providing high-quality editorial support and funding to facilitate the production of critically important content during the war.

The “Improving Media Resilience in Ukraine” effort has engaged dozens of Ukrainian editorial offices and hundreds of journalists since its start in April 2022. The project has been implemented by IRMI together with Fondation Hirondelle (Switzerland) and with financial support from Swiss Solidarity.

The project’s key focus areas remain social cohesion, professional content production, and humanitarian issues. The project will be of interest for editorial offices that seek to better understand their audiences, expanding the reach, and strengthening the linkages.

Each media outlet will receive mentoring support to produce two substantial publications per month on key topics such as social cohesion, access to humanitarian aid, recovery, security, and justice during wartime.

Among the project’s activities are tailored training sessions covering topics like working with information sources, journalism standards, tools for investigating war crimes, mobile journalism, and other. The project will also support the participants with procuring pertinent professional equipment if needed. Monthly financial support of 1,000 Swiss francs (in the hryvnia equivalent) for content production on the specified topics is envisaged for each of the participating media outlets. Ad-hoc consultations and mentoring support will also be  provided.

The project’s activities are to be delivered by a team of trainers, mentors, and consultants – Ukrainian and international media experts with extensive professional experience.

As part of selection process 18 regional, local, and hyperlocal media outlets will be selected on a competitive basis, 14 of which have already participated in previous stages of the project.

To apply, please fill out the online application form (https://forms.gle/Uq5VVWKmH917rJe17), which includes a motivational section.

Application deadline: January 28, 2025.

Finalists will be notified by February 7, 2025.

Additional information about the project and other media support opportunities is available on our Facebook page.

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