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News from Project Participants: “Horodok” to broadcast from a renovated studio

“Horodok will sound anew! “– That was how our partners from the Horodok.City media announced the revamped round-the-clock broadcast from their new radio studio. We are happy for the reporters and the audience!

Horodok.City is one of the participants of the “Improving Media Resilience in Ukraine” project that IRMI has been implementing together with Fondation Hirondelle with funding from Swiss Solidarity. A very active editorial team, constantly striving for development, even under the current difficult conditions. So, when the journalists decided to renovate the radio studio, the project supported them. We also visited the editorial office and held a short MOJO workshop.

Nataliia Popovych, Editor-in-Chief, Horodok.City:

-The studio has been re-equipped with project funds. From the previous set-up we kept just the control panel, two microphones, and speakers… And it was the new studio that became the impetus for the development of radio broadcasting for us: we are updating the programming wheel, we purchased software, we are looking for a radio host to cover daily live morning broadcasts, and we are doing a complete makeover of the broadcast content. From November 14, the residents of the Horodok community will be able to enjoy their favorite music, news, and interesting programs in a 24-hour format, the announcement says. Journalists promise “diversity, interesting columns, and interactive programming.” Our greetings, dear colleagues!

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