Новини IRMI

We are happy to announce the third training within the “Covering Social Cohesion – Strengthening the Capacity of the Media in Ukraine” project

The topic of the training is mobile journalism. Better visualisation for better quality stories.

When: December 2-4, 2024.

Where: Lviv.

How will mobile journalism (MOJO) techniques help the media to be in demand, be effective, convincing, and to contribute to better understanding between various social groups and individuals? How to use MOJO to collect information and create content, how to communicate without deepening social cleavages in communities – that’s what we are going to tackle at the third training on highlighting social cohesion.

The agenda comprises the following:

– technical shooting skills: how to frame your shots, how to use a tripod, microphones and other equipment;

– editing rules, quick editing on a smartphone;

– interview techniques as a tool for obtaining information, principles of communication in working with sensitive topics, and developing stories using visualization.

The training includes presentations, practical work, and a feedback session.

Travel, accommodation, and meals are covered by the organizers.

Working editors and journalists from the media registered per the law of Ukraine are welcome to participate.

! Please note the minimum technical requirements:

– availability of iPhone 11/a newer iPhone model/smartphone with Android version 13 or newer (please specify the full name of the model);

– availability of up to 64 GB free space on your phone for video recording;

– availability of a wired or wireless microphone system compatible with the smartphone.

The availability of the following gear would be an asset:

–       a wireless microphone system compatible with your smartphone;

–       a (mini-)tripod with a smartphone holder for recording interviews.

The registration is open until November 18 via link

We will notify the successful applicants.

The training is part of the “Covering social cohesion – Strengthening the Capacity of the Media in Ukraine” project comprised of the following activities:

– a sociological study of Ukrainian journalists’ awareness of social cohesion, what knowledge and skills they lack, what active citizens think about the role of the media in addressing the issue;

– conducting three trainings for all media professionals interested in the topic of social cohesion;

– fifteen mini-grants to cover the preparation of stories on social cohesion;

– mentoring support for the grantees;

– a round table on the presentation of research findings and project results.

The project has been developed and is being implemented by the Institute for Regional Media and Information in partnership with UNESCO and supported by the state of Japan. The program is part of UNESCO’s broader efforts to support the safety of journalists and freedom of expression in Ukraine.

Our partners in the project are the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NSJU) and the public organization “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation”. UNESCO Ukraine

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