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We have winners of the mini-grants competition

As part of the “Covering social cohesion – Strengthening the Capacity of the Media in Ukraine” project.

Here are the details. The mini-grants Selection Committee received applications from nearly a hundred newspapers, TV channels, and radio stations. Fifteen candidates were successful – selected per the terms of the competition. Mini-grants will therefore be awarded to the journalists of the following media:

“Kremenchutskyi Telegraph”;


“Visti Prydniprovja”;




“Status Quo”;


“Mykolaivski VISTI”-“Rozdillia 93FМ”;

“Nove Zhyttia” newspaper / website “Nove Zhyttia” – Novyny Liubeshivshchyny”;

“Horodotskyi Raionnyi Teleradiopresscentre”;

“Trostianets” Broadcasting station;


“Halychyna” Regional Broadcaster;

National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine.

15 mini-grants of 500 euros each – support for the journalists to cover topics related to social cohesion in their communities. Half of the grant will be awarded after selection and the other half after publication. The stories have to be informed by the sociological research conducted as part of the project, the journalists are to use the findings that they find relevant to the topic. In the process of preparing a story, each grantee will be supported by the project’s mentors – a journalist and a sociologist. A total of four consultations are planned.

The grants are supported by the “Covering social cohesion – Strengthening the Capacity of the Media in Ukraine” project. The project has been developed and is being implemented by the Institute for Regional Media and Information in partnership with UNESCO and supported by the state of Japan. The program is part of UNESCO’s broader efforts to support the safety of journalists and freedom of expression in Ukraine.

Our partners in the project are the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NSJU) and the public organization “Promotion of Intercultural Cooperation”. UNESCO Ukraine

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