In a camera lens: life during the transition period through the eyes of youth

From 3 to 13 September in AVEK gallery there will take place an exhibition of photos, made by the participants of a photo-camp National Geographic Ukraine for young IDPs, which was conducted in Kharkiv from 5 to 10 July, 2015, under support of the U. S. Agency for International development, USAID.

The organizers present 50 out of several thousand photos, made by the young participants of the cap. In the photos, which are exhibited there are people, who told their stories to those, who are like them IDPs.  Photo-artists depicted moments of life.

On the first day of the exhibition, visitors will be able to speak with the authors, representatives of the organizations, which participated in the photo-camp.  During autumns the photo exhibition will be presented in 8 cities of Ukraine.

More about the photo camp in Kharkiv.

Almost for a week 20 young boys and girls – internally displaced persons from Crimea and Donbas, who currently live other cities of Ukraine, trained to tell IDPs stories via photos and articles in a photo camp “National Geographic Ukraine”. To speak the language of photos the youth was taught by experienced photographers of National Geographic.

The participants of the project aged from 17 to 30 were focused on issues of internally displace persons, who were forced to leave their own homes and now have to start almost from the very beginning. The 6-day practical training taught the young artists the means of documenting realities of their life – life of the people, who are victims in result of the conflict on the territory of their own country. The training combined theoretical sessions and hand-on shooting in the areas of settlement of IDP.

The photo exhibition and the youth photo camp National Geographic became possible thanks to the support of the project “Ukrainian Confidence Building Initiative” of the U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID in the partnership with the Institute of Regional Press and Information (Kharkiv) and the organization “Vision Workshops” (USA).

The gallery’s address: Kharkiv, 70, Sumska, St. Openning of the exhibition is on 10 September at 10.00 in the morning.


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