IRMI trainer Svitlana Khitrova: “IRMI trainings help to realize that we have common problems”

TV-journalists collect factual information for their stories: for two days of Lviv Production Training under the project: “Regional Eye – Strengthening conflict sensitive coverage in Ukraine’s regional media” there were conducted 10 shootings in the city of Lviv and the region. We would like to thank very much the IRMI partner for a long time, the local trainer Svitlana Khitrova for diverse and unique meetings, comprehensive comments, explanations and for new friends; she as usually knows all details of the topic she works on.

– Trainings, which are conducted by IRMI or with its participation always have special value. They “mix” journalists from different regions, demonstrate, who little differences there are between us. Problem of seemingly so different regions, actually in most of the cases turn to be common, – says the press secretary of the Regional Department for migration of the population (Lviv) Svitlana Khitrova. – The present training gives an opportunity to shape all together ethical attitude to IDPs and reciprocally – their attitude to the community, where they have to live now, as well as teach people to remain humans in any conditions. It seems to me that the journalists are aware that the environment, where the displaced persons moved, is also not absolutely comfortable or ideal. Likewise people from the local community as well as from those, who arrived, are also different. Is it worthy to create negative attitude on purpose? The both groups have common problems: accommodation and employment. Together we will have to overcome the challenges, which we have today, and most possible will have in the future.

The main task of the trainers, both Ukrainian and British, Ms. Svitlana believes is to make it clear to the journalists for them in their turn to help the average citizens understand that in order to overcome our mutual problems, it is important to accept the society the way it is; to understand and hear one another.

“Regional Eye – Strengthening conflict sensitive coverage in Ukraine’s regional media” – is a 1,5 year project, which is funded by the European Union and  implemented by the Media Consortium of five organizations:  Thompson Foundation, the Institute for Regional Media and Information, the European Journalism Centre, MEMO 98 and Association “Spilnyi Prostir”.


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