Journalists are invited to participate in the trainings for print and online media

Institute for Regional Media and Information together with Thomson Foundation, supported by the EU, welcome regional journalists to become part of Regional Voice’s workshops:

23 – 27 May– a workshop for print and online media in Lviv.
30 May – 3 June – a workshop for print and online media in Poltava.

Five-day production sessions are organized so that by the end of the course each participant is going to have a timely and balanced story to be published by their news organisation. In the course of each workshop the journalists are going to meet IDPs and their families, local authorities and experts. That will enable the trainees to see how IDPs are living in Lviv and Poltava regions and what challenges they are facing as well as to compare the scenes region-wise and establish contacts with their colleagues.

Oliver Wates, Thomson Foundation, and IRMI’s local experts will help the participants with their research and story structuring, balancing out and final editing.   

Selected stories by trainees from previous workshops in Kharkiv and Kherson to be found here and here.

30 May – 1 June – an inter-regional mentoring session for journalists in Poltava. One story – two newsrooms.

During the workshop participants from other cities are going to work with their colleagues from Poltava. The trainees are going to explore the issues IDPs of the region are facing. The course envisages meetings with IDPs, CSO representatives and local authorities.  In their small teams the participants are going to analyse information and publish their stories as co-authored afterwards.

Mark Webster, Thomson Foundation and Irina Dudka, IRMI, will help the trainees in seeking new angles and providing even-handed coverage of IDP-related issues.

Selected stories by trainees from previous workshops to be found here and here.

To apply for either of workshops, please, fill out application form online before 13 May 2016, Friday.

The organizers cover accommodation, travel (bus, 2nd class rail travel) and meals.

For more information about the workshops contact Regional Voices project team at:

(044) 498- 51-75 or


Oliver Wates, UK, is a media trainer with vast experience as a trainer and journalist (international journalism). He has been working as an independent media trainer since 1998. Over 20 years Oliver worked as Reuter correspondent. He has covered a wide range of issues in Latin America, Southwest Asia and Russia and was in charge of coverage of the fall of the USSR in 1991 for Reuter. Oliver develops and leads workshops for journalists, politicians and communications professionals. He cooperates with Thomson Foundation, European Journalism Centre, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and WHO.

Mark Webster, UK, is Thomson’s Foundation trainer. Within his 30 years in journalism Marked worked for the Evening Standard and the Financial Times, ITN Channel and ChannelFiveNews. Mark covered conflicts in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Kosovo, Chechnya and Northern Ireland. Many of his colleagues and friends died, covering war actions, and Mark will be telling about challenges and threats journalists tend to face when working in war zones when struggling to make heir coverage balanced. 

Irina Dudka, IRMI expert, Ukraine, is a regional project coordinator for “Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance” project in Poltava region and head of the Institute of Territorial Communities of Poltava Region, CSO. Irina has 17 years of experience in PR. Irina is a trainer and a teacher for Poltava Regional Centre for Re-Training.


Regional Eye: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media is an 18 month initiative directed at the development of regional media and decrease of potential areas of conflict through balanced news output in the regional media, thereby contributing to a decrease in communal tensions, specifically between internally displaced persons (IDPs) and their host communities.  The project is an EU funded initiative, implemented by a media Consortium of five organizations: Thomson Foundation, Institute of Regional Media and Information (IRMI), MEMO 98, Association Spilnyi Prostir (ASP) and The European Journalism Center, in close cooperation with local partners.


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