Media Editorial Exchange Forum: Multimedia Content in Focus

Regional broadcast, online and radio editors are invited to participate in a two-day forum on handling Regional Voice’s multimedia archive for conflict sensitive coverage of IDP stories.  The forum is to take place on September 22-23 in Kyiv. The initiative is part of Regional Voices: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Media project, funded by the European Union. The organizers are the Thomson Foundation (UK) and the International Institute for Regional Media and Information (IRMI, Ukraine).

The third forum of the project is going to tackle the issue of effective usage of newsroom resources, where the trainers will be covering the opportunities website has to offer, including the free of charge employment of archived professional video and photo content. First two forums were devoted to ethical dilemmas tackling and media management issues. At present the archive incorporates over 2030 video interviews with IDPs, state and local authorities, CSO representatives, volunteers and local residents of 8 districts and more than 30 localities.  The archive is going to be replenished by new videos resulted from Regional Voices workshops for broadcast journalists. Moreover, Regional Voices network participants are encouraged to share content with their colleagues from other regions of Ukraine, using the platform. 

The Forum is going to be a mixture of theory and practice. 

David Hands, a consultant for the Thomson Foundation (UK), by the example of Cyprus’s IDPs – a story that goes back to 1963 and is still underway – is going to share with Forum participants the ways to search new angles in IDP coverage in Ukraine.  The trainer will be looking into the essentials of news gathering and editing related to IDP stories, such as professional ethics, consistency and main principles of pre and post-production. Moreover, David will be explaining the difference between video editing for TV and for social media, consulting the participants on best possible ways of using Regional Voices’ archived videos and providing them with other tips on how to make multimedia stories for convergent media work. The workshop envisages group exercises for putting theory into practice. 

Taras Boykovych, a media lawyer and a consultant of the International Institute for Regional Media and Information (Ukraine), will be covering the specifics of copyright in media content in Ukraine and EU.  

Regional Voices project envisages internships of Ukrainian journalists in 16 EU based newsrooms.

To apply for the forum please fill in online form by September 9, Sunday. The organizers provide accommodation, meals and tickets reimbursement (bus, 2nd class rail travel).

For more information about the workshops contact the project at 050 323 14 30 (Oleksiy Soldatenko) or

The trainers: 

David Hands (Cyprus), Thomson’s consultant, experienced producer, cameraman, editor and soundman. He worked for ABC News (US) during the former Yugoslavia war, for BBC and Swiss TV in East and Central Africa, for Dutch and German TV in Jerusalem. In 2003, he moved back to Cyprus and became a partner at Crewhouse Media, a film and video production house specializing in documentaries, news production and short fiction films. He produced a number of bi-communal documentaries and PSA’s with the aim of bridging the gap between the two communities of Cyprus. Since 2007 David has been a regular consultant for the Thomson Foundation.

Taras Boykovych (Ukraine) is a consultant for and one of the founders of the International Institute for Regional Media and Information. Taras is a lawyer specializing in civil and administrative law as well as media legislation. 2003 2006 together with the European Journalism Centre and Kharkiv Independent Journalists’ Initiative Association he was part of workshops on professional standards in journalism. 

The Project:

Regional Eye: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media is an EU funded initiative, aimed at supporting regional media. The project is implemented by a media Consortium with Thomson Foundation at its head. Consortium members are the Institute of Regional Media and Information (IRMI), The European Journalism Center, MEMO 98 and Association Spilnyi Prostir (ASP).


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