Production workshops for regional journalists: hands on digital and mobile technologies

The Regional Voices project, funded by the EU, invites online and print regional journalists to apply for multimedia content production workshop on 20-24 February in Ivano-Frankivsk and 27 February – 3 March in Lutsk. Thomson Foundation and international Institute for Regional Media and Information conduct trainings.

Online production workshops will focus on:

  • Newsroom workflow and the process of convergence.
  • Online and mobile tools for reporting.
  • Social media and news reporting.
  • Advantages of inter-regional media cooperation.

The aim of a five-day workshop is that by the end of the training each participant has a high-impact, balanced story for immediate, real time publication. You may want to check stories from previous online workshop on the project website. Thus, from the outset, with the support from international and local media trainers, participants will identify stories on IDPs they want to cover, investigate them, analyse, interview their heroes, edit and have them ready for publishing by the end of workshops.

To apply for the workshop fill in online-form:

  • by 12 February for Ivano-Frankivsk (20-24 February),
  • by 19 February for Lutsk (27 February – 3 March).

The organizers will provide accommodation, meals and tickets reimbursement.

For more information about the workshops contact Aleksey Soldatenko at 050 323 14 30 or email:

About trainers:

Zurab KodalashviliThomson Foundation (UK), is Georgia-born, UK-based media and multi-media professional, whose journalistic career began in Estonia 1989 and has since span across many countries, positions and levels. Seasoned war-zone journalist, he has more recently translated his experience and expertise into developing, leading and managing Russian-language TV channels and online media outlets that provide alternative to the Moscow-controlled information that saturates the Former Soviet Union. He first moved into TV management with the role of Executive Director at First Caucasus Channel (PIK) in Tbilisi which was followed by role of Divisional Director for RFE/RL in Prague. At PIK he was charged with setting up a new TV channel and was responsible for developing the company strategy, technical coordination and internal staff management during the conception, start up and first year of broadcasting. At RFE/RL he was brought into develop the first multimedia and digital strategy to transform a radio-oriented media organisation into the first-class TV broadcaster.

Angelina Soldatenko, is IRMI’s expert. Angelina is a journalist, media and public communication expert and a trainer. She has extensive background with Ukrainian media, covering social conflict apart from other things.

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Regional Voices: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media is a year and a half EU funded initiative, implemented by the Media Consortium of five organizations: Thomson Foundation, Institute of Regional Media and Information (IRMI), MEMO 98, Association Spilnyi Prostir (ASP) and The European Journalism Center.


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