TV journalists are welcome to apply for production sessions on IDP coverage

IRMI invites TV journalists of regional media to apply for participation in production trainings devoted to the coverage of IDP-related issues in Poltava and Kyiv oblasts. The training is part of the project entitled “Regional Eye: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media”, which is an EU funded initiative.

The training events within the project are organized by the Thomson Foundation (UK) and the International Institute for Regional Media and Information (IRMI-Ukraine) in cooperation with the National Union of Journalists.

From the outset, with the support from international media trainer Deborah Kelly and camera operators Simon Hustings and Ivan Charalambous (Thomson Foundation) and local media trainers (Institute of Regional Media and Information), participants will identify stories they want to cover, investigate them, analyze, write up, shoot video, edit and have them ready for use. The five-day production-sessions are specifically designed so that by the end of the training each participant has a high-impact, balanced story for immediate, real time publication, airing on regional media.

The training events are going to take place in

– Poltava on February 8-12. In focus are social and economic aspects of IDPs integration.


– Kyiv on February 15-19. Focus on the steps the government is taking towards fostering the integration of IDPs, especially in terms of receiving higher education.

The sessions are specifically designed to embed set formulas of editorial skills and best practice when covering IDP issue. Our hope is that the network of regional journalists created within the project will be a platform to foster direct cooperation with EU colleagues.

To apply for Poltava training send you CV and short letter of motivation to IRMI email address, indicating the name of workshop you are applying for. Deadline for application is Tuesday, January 26th.

To apply for Kyiv training apart from the bespoken CV and letter of motivation, add a list of your questions to the Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of Education. Deadline for application is Monday, February 1st.

The organizers provide local transportation for workshops’ crews for getting interviews, photo and video shoots, and cover other costs involved (accommodation, tickets reimbursement bus and train (class 2), meals, video cameras rent, etc).

For more information about the workshops contact IRMI office.

Regional Eye: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media is an EU funded initiative, implemented by a media Consortium of five organizations: Thomson Foundation, Institute of Regional Media and Information (IRMI), MEMO 98, Association Spilnyi Prostir (ASP) and The European Journalism Center, in close cooperation with local partners, including the National Union of Journalists.


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