Regional Voices Invites Journalists to Join Project’s Final Forum

Thomson Foundation and International Institute for Regional Media and Information, supported by the EU, are happy to welcome news editors, reporters and representatives of media and international organizations to join Regional Voices final forum that will take place on February 13 to 14 in Kiev.

The Forum will start with a presentation of comparative media monitoring results on IDP-Related Issues Coverage by Regional Media in 2015-2016. The experts of Slovak MEMO 98 and Ukrainian Association Spilnyi Prostir will point out major topics and stories that failed to receive adequate coverage. The monitoring sample comprised 207 regional media outlets – TV, print and online. The monitoring was carried out in four stages and within Regional Voices: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media project. Previous monitoring reports are available at project’s website

Forum’s tentative agenda:

February 13, 11.00 – 13.00 – presentation and discussion of monitoring results. Rasto Ku?el (Mеmо98), Olesya Yaroshenko (ASP) and Oleksandr Chekmyshev (ASP) will cover the following:

– what is the quality of media coverage of IDP-related issues;
– key qualitative and quantitative indicators of the research (share of IDP-coverage in news content and tonality);
– the topics and subjects that did receive coverage and IDP-related issues that were disregarded by the media;
– the dynamics of coverage starting from 2015 and up to the end of 2016.

The rest of February 13 and the following day will be devoted to the meetings with the representatives of state institutions that handle IDP-related issues, expert discussion on taking the IDP theme forward and exchange on the outputs of Regional Voices project as well as on ideas for further cooperation.

To apply for the forum, fill out online application form before Sunday, February 5.

The organizers cover accommodation, travel (bus, 2nd class rail travel) and meals.

For more information about the workshop contact Regional Voices project team at 050 323 14 30 – Oleksii Soldatenko- or с


Mark Webster  – a media trainer for Thomson Foundation – has worked in journalism for 30 years. Mark worked for the Financial Times, the Evening Standard, for ITN and Channel Five News. He has covered conflict in a number of countries, including Uganda, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Kosovo, Chechnya and Northern Ireland. Out of his own experience he is familiar with ethnic dilemmas in reporting on IDP-related issues and the kind of dangers and pressure journalists that strive for balanced coverage of war face.

Taras Boikovych – an expert for the Institute for Regional Media and Information – is a media lawyer.  He is a trainer and a consultant on legal and ethical issues related to journalism, information access and working with sources of information. Taras has repeatedly worked in EU-funded projects.

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Regional Voices: Strengthening Conflict Sensitive Coverage in Ukraine’s Regional Media is an 18 month initiative directed at the development of regional media. The project is funded by the EU. It is implemented by the Media Consortium of five organizations: Thomson Foundation, Institute of Regional Media and Information (IRMI), the European Journalism Center, MEMO 98 and Association Spilnyi Prostir (ASP).


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